Download Merry Gear Solid 2: The Ghosts of Christmas Past

It is strongly recommended that you have completed Merry Gear Solid: Secret Santa. A summary of that game can be found in the Previous Ops section of the main menu.

Download Version 1.2 (79 MB)

Download Version 1.2 Patch (3 MB, updates 1.1c to Version 1.2)

1.1c  introduces a fix for the first boss, which makes the boss work as intended (the earlier versions have a debug-related error that skips directly to the boss’s defeat).

Also, please redownload this if you are getting messages about the Toast even though you don’t have it yet.

95 Responses to “Download”

  1. pablo Says:


  2. Tosa Says:

    Can u make this for mac please?

  3. SHNGHN Says:

    Here’s how to beat the Bosses:

    Boss 1: Adjust your PC’s “Date & Time” 1 week or 2 weeks ahead.

    Boss 2: If you somehow had gotten rid of your “” file somehow, download a program called “WinRar”, then create your own “” file, then drag it to the “In-game screen” to get the “P.S.G.” Now put that item into the “Mailbox” you came across before the 2nd Boss Fight.

  4. Kyle Says:

    Uh… little problem. When i try to open the rar file inside the original rar file, it says “Format not supported”. Suggestions?

  5. Kyle Says:

    I can’t play the game because right when i join, it pans over for a second then it sayd gameover

  6. BozoDel Says:

    yay, works on Linux! even the thingie you have to do to beat the last boss (at least in Linux Mint it did work)

  7. Matte Says:

    I have a problem with inventory- after playing for while, the Z button doesn’t work and I can’t change the items. I have to restart the game to get back access to items, but only for while. I’m playing on Windows 7 x64…

  8. carlos Says:

    por analisis y recomendacion veo una exelente juego, por favor un traduccion al español

  9. Fever Press Fever Weekly #109! Happy Holidays. Says:

    […] […]

  10. Mizu Says:

    Really loved, if you want i can translate to portuguese (PT-BR).
    And i would really like a option to change the controls, but aside from that, really loved, and is great, keep the good work

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